Saturday, March 26, 2011

Doubtful with my current life....

I'm really doubt about my life....
I'm seem like lost my own freedom.
Firstly, i should thanks God that you are with me.
But do you feel that you are controlling my life?
Controlling my freedom,
My life should have my own friend beside you.
But what had you done on me?
Get angry when i told you i'm gonna outing with my colleague.
do you think for my life when you are not around?
I was super boring while alone at home.
I was super down while alone at home.
I'm just feel to hang out for release my stress.
But you not allow i hang out by showing me anger face.
I'm really feel disappointed.
Can we together for whole life? I'm really doubt on it.
Are you my Mr.Right? I'm really doubt on it.

Everyone should have own freedom.
You absolutely have yours. Me too.

Please be understanding for our future life.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

i hv no idea where is my direction???

my moral final result ruin out all my plan.
bcoz of this,
i cannot graduate successfully,
i cannot involve in any permanent job field,
i cannot earn $.
i really hope my remark can successful,
so that my new plan can be work.
my dream plat no. WTN 2338 have gone...
i really hope can earn $ n buy a new car...
anyhow, hope my remark result can successful,
so that i can graduate on this cuming march with my classmates.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I DUN LiKE this feeling....

Today i wake up at 7.3am and get ready myself for attending moral repeat class.
On my way to class,my mood really down.
because i need to attend class ownself.
because when enter the class...there was so many strange face.
i was so so miss the moment i with my classmates.
Group 6 is a class that famous in ponteng and oso late for attending class.
i'm questioning myself that:
why become i alone attend the class?
where are my classmates?
where are d laughing sound gone?
i really miss them.
i miss d crazy moments we spend together.
i dun like attend class lonely.
i damn hate dat feeling.
i create a special mathematic question for my buddies,that is:
G3 + G4 + G5 = G6
seow euchin from G3
sooh joe mong from G4
wong tsening from G5
3 of us together enter G6.
if one of us cannot graduate together then really meaningless.
we together attend d new group.
we together in a assignment group.
we together went to shopping.
if less one of us then meaningless.
I pray Hardly that we can graduate together and meet in March Convo.
HOpe God Bless us.....

Sunday, November 22, 2009

NEW Life is waiting for m3....

my Utar's life is going to end soon.....
should i feel happy or sad???
i'm questioning myself....m i really happy with that???
Maybe i will feel happy with that....
i'm waiting for the day cuming for 3years...
i dont like study..hate exam..
exam just will ruin my life...
exam make my brain feel tired...(nid to memorise a lot)...

By the Way....Benefit of Study Life...
1st...i can slp late n wake up at anyth,,
2nd...i can ponteng if not feel to attend class...
3rd...i can fill in my free time with wat i desire to do...
4th...i can hang out with frens at anytime...
5th...i can spend my time with my hubby...

In Contrast....(eNd of Study Life)
1st...wat make me most sad is i nid to apart with hubby..
>may not often lunch & dinner 2ghte
>may not beside him always
>may not do revision 2ghter
>may not watch mv 2ghter
and many more....

2nd.....i nid to wake up early to get ready for working...
same thg will routine in my working life(work>slp)

ANYWAY........Time to bed.....NItez..blogger

Thursday, October 15, 2009


I get this blog from my friend...he asked me read it becoz quite meaningfull & touching as well. so i post it here to share it...HAVE A LOOK ON IT..........

往往许多人在抉择伴侣时,容易东想西想,不知所措,就是因为害怕一时做错 决定,看错人,造成终生的遗憾。
诺贝尔文学奖得主萧伯纳说:“此时此刻在地球上,约有两万个人适合当你的人生伴侣,就看你先遇到哪一个, 如果在第二个理想伴侣出现之前,你已经跟前一个人发展出相知相惜、互相信 赖的深层关系,那后者就会变成你的好朋友,但是若你跟前一个人没有培养出深层关系,感情就容易动摇、变心,直到你与 这些理想伴侣候选人的其中一位拥有稳固的深情,才是幸福的开始,漂泊的结束。
爱上一个人不需要靠努力,只需要靠“际遇”,是上天的安排,但是“持续地爱一 个人”就要靠“努力”, 在爱情的经营中,顺畅运转的要素就是沟通、体谅、包容自制 (面临诱惑有 所自制)。有许多人总是?
“际遇”所迷惑与苦恼,意念不停、欲念不断、争逐不散,而忘了培养经营感情 的能力才是幸福的关键。
所以不要去追问到底谁才是我的Mr.Right,而是n问说在眼前的伴侣关系中,我 能努力到什么程度、成长到什么程度, 若没有培养出经营幸福的能力,就算真的Mr.Right出现在你身边,幸福依然会 错过的,而活在犹疑与遗憾当中,这不就是许多“爱情虚无症”的遭遇与心态吗?
若你此刻已有一位长久相伴的伴侣,不要再随便三心二意地犹疑了,我们往往 不易察觉感情中的一个陷阱, 就是“近亲生慢侮”,也就是经济学中的铁律“边际效益递减法则”,跟你在一起越久的人,就越容易麻木与忽视,而新鲜的“际遇”总是那么动人可爱。
在感情对待中,难免有摩擦与无心的伤害,而且论得罪自己的次数累加起来最多的人,当然是跟我们在一起最久、最亲近的人。而新欢呢,又还没开始有得罪你的机会,再加上他的刻意讨好,所以新欢怎么看怎么可爱,旧爱怎么看怎么讨厌。但别忘了,新欢身上总是有 不确定的未知数,旧爱身上就是有难得的熟悉感、确定感、信赖感。千万不要随便在偶然的“际 遇”中迷失了自己,错放了幸福温暖的手。
所以萧伯纳的话,是要提醒情人不要太钻牛角尖于寻觅那唯一,应该把精神用在学会经营幸福的能力上,同时也提醒我们“弱水三千只取一瓢饮”若有幸遇到了难得的伴侣,就不要再三 心二意了, 因为我们永远不知道一生何时会遇到两万个其中的几个,所以要知福惜福、活在当下。

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sem Break session one

Finally can start my blog. now only i realize that i came back to hometown for one week. huh!!! so so so boring holiday. i just stay at home in this whole week except thrusday and saturday.

Thrusday activity:
1st session:
last Thursday just have dinner with my classmates at TAO which located at Auto City. the buffet dinner cost me rm55 from 8.15pm - 10.30pm but yet the food was delicious..yummy yummy. Those pictures are with my friends so cannot upload yet. there was a funny small case happened during buffet time. one of the waiter want to know my classmate's friend. she suddenly walk near me and talk softly near my ears that she asked me tell the guy who is my classmate's friend that she want to take a picture with him and then walk away . i really get shock with what she asked me do so. my green tea almost spurt out from my mouth and just keep on snigger. both of my classmates and the guy ( i forgot his name) feel weird with my action. then one of my classmate (euchin) give me an eyes signal ( izzit she wanna know him?) then i reply her ( yea yea) with snigger. haha..both of us sometime good in eyes contact so understand the signal. about 10.15pm we finished our buffet dinner. the waiter really ask my classmate tell the guy that she want to take picture with him but that time i was away. funny..finally she took picture with him. i heard from my classmate that the waiter seem like want the guy contact number but he purposely walk away. this is the 1st session at auto city.

2nd session:
After buffet dinner i shift to OLDTOWN meet up with my another friend. then yamcha with his friends. his friends really funny. one of his friend name as Cornnie, quite a pretty girl. she show out a picture that a paper fold in a shape that i dont know how to desribe ( got few square with stand-up). she tested my friend until she cannot stand with my friend not giving up spirit because she wanna show the way but my friend keep on refuse that he said wanna try. this process take about 15minutes until my friend give up. Corrnie show us the way to fold the paper. haha...make us headache. only a few step then make it d. she then ask us combine al the 9 dot with only 4 steps. huh..this pretty girl really test our IQ but we really failed to complete the IQ test...haha...we dont have enough high IQ. she then show us the way after saw us headache with the 9 dots. really sweat!!! so so easy to combine the dots with 4 steps. just draw out a triangle and a line then complete combinded the 9 dots d. about 1am i end up my yamcha time d then drive back to home which need about 20minutes journey to reach my home. hehehe...this is how i spent my Thrusday night.

Saturday activity:
Saturday not so interesting anymore. 10am depart from home to penang island to meet doctor appointment. then went to pet shop to buy my youngest sister's puppy shampoo and conditioner. erm...can say that the pet shop like a supermarket which got 3levels. ground floor is for selling pet's equipments and also differents kind of animals as pet ( puppy,snake,bird,fish and...). 2nd level, like a aquarium show room. 3rd level...i dint go before. about 2pm, i went to sushi- king to take my lunch...then shop about few hours then drive back home d because scare the penang bridge will traffic jamp. so hate traffic jamp,just wasting my time only but fortunately that day dint face kinda problem...heheh...this is how i spent my Saturday....